Do's and Don'ts of an Express Entry profile

Are you a skilled worker who wants to migrate to Canada? Then you must be aware that the Express Entry Program is the best option that you have. This is a point based program. The candidates who have more points have better chances of getting an invitation to apply. The Express entry system is based on several factors. But if you want to have a perfect profile then you must make sure that you follow some basic guidelines.

1. Correct documentation:                                                                                                              
One of the first things that you must do is have the perfect and correct documentation. You may be having documents about your qualifications and skills which are to be assessed. Make sure that you have them in place.

2. Research is important:
If you want to apply for Federal skilled workers program, then make sure that you have complete knowledge about the same. You must find out if you have the right qualifications which will let you get more number of points. In case you are lacking in some area, then you must find out how you can get added qualifications. Your main aim is to find out the perfect means of having an upper edge.

3. Find out about the provincial nominee program:
The PNP programs are an easy way to get the invitation to apply for the permanent visa of Canada. These programs are designed as per the requirement of a particular province or territory. These are associated with the Express entry system. If you manage to get a nomination from any of the participating provinces or territories then you get 600 points. These points are added to your point tally. You then have a better chance to get an invitation to apply for the PR visa.

3. Do not leave forms incomplete:
Irrespective of whether you want to enter the Canada express entry draws or apply under any other category there will be a number of online and offline activities. Make sure that you fill all the forms completely and correctly. Keep in mind that if you leave any of the online or offline forms incomplete then you may jeopardize your chance of getting an invitation to apply for the visa. In case you are not able to provide some information then you must submit a letter giving an explanation for the same.

4. Never be in a hurry to submit the forms:
Check all the details correctly before you submit the online and offline forms. Do not be in a hurry to simply complete the formalities. Any problem with the application and profile can result in rejection of application.

5.  Do not lie:
Never ever provide any wrong information. Keep in mind that if you are caught then you may end up never getting a chance to apply for the visa.

6. Remember to inform:
Your circumstances and situation may change. Like you may get married or you may have some added qualification. Keep in mind that you must inform the authorities about these changes and update them in the submitted profile.

7. Consult an expert:

If you want to migrate to Canada but are not aware about the procedure then take expertise of visa consultants in Hyderabad. Registered consultants or agencies that work with registered consultants make an ideal choice. Kansas Overseas Careers is a Canada immigration and visa consultant in India who works with independent ICCRC consultant. If you want to know how they can help you to prepare your application and process your documents, kindly leave a quick enquiry here. A consultant will get back to you with complete details. 

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