A complete counsel on Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program is one of the extensions of the Provincial Nominee Program.  The professionals who are willing to shift Saskatchewan have to apply under this Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program. Also, they need to submit all the required information and documents for their further process.

The program is subcategorized into three more divisions, they are:

•    International Skilled Worker: Saskatchewan Express Entry:
Each province has its own requirement and based on it they select the candidates who can be a better resource. They nominate the candidates who are already a member of the Express entry pool. A minimum of 60 points is needed to be part of this program. Therefore, the immigrant needs to score based on his age, language skills, work experience, education etc, and if required he has to submit the proof of eligibility for Saskatchewan licensure.

•    International Skilled Worker – Occupations In-Demand:
In this category, it contains various occupations which are very high in demand. Candidates, who wish to apply for this, need to study each occupation because these are divided into two lists where licensure is needed and the other where the licensure is not mandatory.

       She/he has to score a minimum of 60 points to enter into the entry. Also, he/she needs to submit the proofs for the legal status, settlement funds, and language test result scores.

•    International Skilled Worker – Employment Offer:
Under this, it is mandatory for a skilled worker to have an employment letter which is approved by the SINP. The employer needs to register on the SINP employer website to gain the position.  Similarly, candidates need to score a minimum of 60 points and need to submit all the documents and certificates if necessary.

Elaboration of Points:
•    Maximum of 23 points for Education and training
•    Maximum of 15 points for Work Experience
•    Maximum of 20 points for Language
•    Maximum of 12 points for age
•    Maximum of 30 points w.r.t Saskatchewan labor market

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